Title: Passion and Pain
Series: Dancers and Divas #1
Author: Kathy Petrakis
Synopsis: The first book in the YA /NA Contemporary Series -
Dancers and Divas.
Contains mature content - recommended for ages 15+
Does passion and desire guarantee success? Can friends really be trusted? Can true love be found beneath lust and deceit?
These are questions tenacious street dancer Elena Martinez faces as she struggles to compete against the most talented students at New York’s top Performing Arts High School. Along with her best friend, the carefree and mischievous Sebastien Duval, they are determined to make center stage.
But the singing diva Letitia has other plans. Beautiful, talented and popular, her desire for revenge could ruin everything for Elena and Sebastien. Now, they must fight against prejudice, treachery and deceit as Letitia sets out to destroy Elena’s friendships, her romance, her dignity and her dreams. Can Elena win the battle for true love, happiness and success?(
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Title: Bittersweet
Series: Dancers and Divas #2
Author: Kathy Petrakis
Synopsis: The second book in Dancers and Divers series
Can secrets stay hidden forever? Can people really change? Are some mistakes unforgivable?
As Elena and Sebastian embark on a fresh start, will Letitia keep his secret, or will she use it to destroy them?
As Veronika falls in love, Frankie is out of rehab and trying to make amends, but will it last for either of them?
Meanwhile, as Anya is torn between loyalty to her Nana and love for Darius, could Darius fall for the new temptress, Rosa? With her stunning looks, her powerful, sensual dancing and her desire to seduce, she has everyone nervous but what secret is she hiding?
Continue the roller-coaster journey with your favorite characters as they try to survive junior year at the country’s top performing arts school.
“There is drama, stress and anger all wrapped up in a neat bow just waiting to be unleashed.”
“.. at first, it felt like I was reading a new version of Step Up 2... LOVE... then it merged into a little Glee... then it merged with Center Stage... then in the midst of it all was the Gossip Girl...”
“It is extremely well written, and the plot is very engaging. I couldn't put it down..”
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Elena placed her hands in her lap and fidgeted. “I guess I should get going, then.”
He stood up as she did and walked with her to the door.
“Thanks for the singing lessons,” she said.
“Thanks for helping me with my songs,” he said as he leaned over her in the doorway. “Maybe we can work on some more material over the summer?”
His face was inches from her and all Elena could think of was touching it. “Um, sure,” she whispered. “I work during the summer but you know—”
He leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. “I’ll give you a call after school is over.”
She nodded and slipped out under his arm, willing herself not to faint. She glanced back at him as he stood leaning against the doorway watching her leave. She begged herself not to trip as she made her way to the end of the corridor. As she rounded the corner, she leaned against the wall to breathe for a moment. Oh my God, he’d kissed her. She touched her lips in amazement.
Kathy Petrakis was born and raised in Sydney Australia by Greek immigrant parents. She always had a passion for the performing arts - dancing, acting and singing but they were hobbies giving way to a traditional professional career in banking. Before this book, her writing was used to entertain friends with her unusual, and often disastrous travel adventures from around the world.
By the hand of fate, Passion and Pain and Bittersweet were born while living in London, heaven for lovers of the performing arts. After launching Passion and Pain, she returned to Sydney for the launch of the sequel, Bittersweet.
Author Links
Twitter: @KathyPetrakis
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DancersandDivas
website: kathypetrakis.com
Mailing list: http://dancersanddivas.us6.list-manage2.com/subscribe?u=63da6740eaf9108b4bc1b3a3b&id=a9bc9dcd7d
Goodreads link: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6539861.Kathy_Petrakis
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